NWBS Guarantee
100% Money Back (within 10 days of purchasing)
We all know what it's like to buy something and immediately regret it. A lot of times with products bought from smaller shops, there isn't a lot of help, due to the cost for the owner. We don't play that game.
With Northwest Beard Supply, we've painstakingly put time into creating an all natural based and modernly designed effort into our products. We don't mess around with quality, and we know you don't either. We understand that if you don't love it, we don't have a business.
Because of this, we're confident you'll love our stuff, but if not, we want to make sure you know that you'll get 100% of your money back within 10 days of purchasing if you really don't like something.
We invite feedback. It only makes us better. So please, give us a try, and know that we'll honor your tastes if there isn't a mutual connection...every time!
We're in this to become your new favorite in the small-batch, hand-crafted assembly of men's grooming products. That's the Northwest way...